At this time last year, I had just sent in my application to go to Broadcast Journalism school. I was at a point in my life where I felt that what I was doing for a living was a waste of my time and talents. It's the classic, cliche and relatable yawn of getting up early to go and work at a boring job, diligently presenting a positive image that will reflect favourably on the next performance appraisal and biting one's tongue more than not. To no shortage of trying to spice up my work life (pun intended) by joining committees and taking night classes in hopes of advancement, the realization that my passions didn't line up with my profession was a heavy weight on my conscious. A situation that would lead to frequent sad discussion and a few empty bottles. My true love heard a lot of complaining, let me tell you.

If I could characterize myself, I would say that I am mostly curious with a dash of deviousness. I like to question authority, convention and tradition and believe that most truth is not in front of us. That said, I'm not a conspiracy theorist. What caused me to apply to journalism school was my passion for learning, trying to understand the world around me and the need to want to share my findings. From my own experiences, I know things are not usually what they seem and there is so much waiting to be discovered. I drank the purple kool-aid that suggested life is about more than titles, pay cheques and two-week vacations. Let me tell you, it sure tastes good.

I started working on a radio show for the
London Poetry Slam called Speak Your Truth on
94.9 CHRW. It airs the last Tuesday of the month at 11:00am EST. I met local poet and rapper, Dana I.D. Matthews while on the show and we eventually ended up working on music together. Over the course or about 10 months, we created around 25 songs, a mix of originals and remixes. Out of that came an album titled Love Unbound which is for sale at
iTunes and
BandCamp. I don't think anyone has bought it, but the experience was well worth the time invested.

Come March, my true love and I went to Victoria, BC for my cousin Adam's wedding. It was a vintage themed affair and despite a former family feud, it was refreshing to reconnect and, in a sense, let bygones be bygones.

Going to Victoria also presented an opportunity to see my parents and visit my true love's grandma.

Even my sister made it out which I know made my parents really happy that we were all together. Sappy.

I got into college. It was pretty exciting to get that piece of mail, but the sudden reality of making the choice to accept the offer of admission, pay the tuition and leave work life behind seemed a lot heavier than anticipated. When you become accustomed to a lifestyle, sorting out the pros and cons of the situation feels like walking a tight rope and former thoughts that seemed black and white became a strange shade of grey.

With the simple acknowledgement that what I was doing was more draining than rewarding and the support of my true love, I accepted the offer and paid for my first semester. It was really hard knowing that by mid August I was going to be submitting my letter of resignation at work and I chose not to share the excitement of my chosen fate with co-workers or managers.
I was born on Canada day. When I was a child, the city I lived in hosted a Canada day parade and I was convinced that it was for me. Perhaps I can contribute an admission of slight narcissism to this annual occurrence. For my birthday in 2011, I got much more than a parade. My true love and I flew to my new favourite place on earth: Paris, France. If you've read my blog before, it's obvious that I was swept away by the ambiance and magic of this great city. Most of me hopes to one day call Paris home. I've even been dedicating time in the last two weeks to actually learning French. Oui.

The day I quit my job was bitter sweet. I was looking forward to a future I felt I was choosing, but also leaving many years of hard work and, unavoidably, many good relationships behind. Fast forward two weeks and I found myself in a class room surrounded by creative and ambitious people that I envied a little as I couldn't help but feel that I was 10 years behind. I've since shaken off those feelings that you feel when you're the "older guy" and sometimes forget I was born in 1980.

My true love and I welcomed 2012 in style by taking a trip to the Dominican Republic. We met up with my true love's dad and his girlfriend for a week of golf, beaches, surfing and great food.
2011 was definitely a year of immense change for me. I am so grateful for friends and family that give nothing but support and encouragement. I am most grateful for my true love who continues to be extraordinarily brave, genuine and giving as we live out life's adventures together.
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